Quick and easy tips to start greening your home. Start saving energy...and money...right now.
- Turn air conditioner up to 72 deg F or 24 deg C or just open the window and turn on a fan.
- Keep air conditioner or heating system properly maintained, by changing air filter and keeping air conditioner coils clean.
- Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use, even chargers for cell phones, pdas, digital cameras,cordless tools use up electricity so unplug it until it 's next use.
- Set computers to sleep and hibernate after 30 minutes or so.
- Set refrigerator temperature to 38 to 42 deg F or 3 to 6 deg C. Use power save if it has one and make sure the door seals tightly.
- Use sunlight wisely. On cold season, leave shades and blinds during sunny day, but keep it close at night. Close shades and blinds during summer or when air conditioner is in use.
- Turn out the lights whenever you leave the room.
- Opt to change standard light bulbs to energy-saving compact flourescent.
- Use low-flow showerhead and faucet aerators.
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